“Life is for Living:” Organizational Wisdoms from Wingmoms


By Natalya Bucuy – Cardinal Managing Editor

Nothing is for certain except death and taxes. And laundry. A loyal friend through life’s trials, Laundry will always be there for us. 

When it comes to household chores they truly are neverending. With the fresh start of the new year, we all strive for cleaner kitchens, organized closets, and, yes, smaller piles of laundry. In this pursuit of a better-organized home life, we often forget one important fact – we’re not superhuman. 

A busy mom and the manager of the Bucks County Branch of Wingmom Inc., Caitlin Myslinski knows that it’s not only acceptable, it’s necessary to ask for help. “We weren’t designed to do it all,” she says. 

Caitlin runs the day-to-day operations of the Bucks County branch of Wingmom. As general manager, she is the liaison between local clients and people to assist with everything that easily overwhelms schedules – chores, home repairs, organization, babysitting, transportation, and senior care. Whatever it is that would make one’s life easier if someone else did it – Wingmom is your hero. 

Don’t be afraid to purge! 

I come from the generation of kids whose parents promised our college educations would be paid for with our Beanie Baby collections. I’m still waiting on that payout and my Beanie Babies still have their tags sealed in plastic casings, never played with in my parent’s attic. I believe that life is for living, so let your kids play with their toys and then donate them or sell them on Facebook Marketplace when they are done. Wingmom can help you purge and sell! – Caitlin M

The company serves as a local community link – helping people with specific needs while providing income opportunities to the helpers. Caitlin connects with the mission of Wingmom – to build a support village. “Life happens and it can be messy. Life is for living.” Caitlin says. “Sometimes we simply cannot keep up with everything.” 

In 2016, Kate Maxwell lost her partner in the line of duty. That moment changed her life. Her local community rallied around Kate. When she got back on her feet, she looked for the next steps. Together with co-founder Meg Hurst, Kate started Wingmom in her North Delaware community. 

“Give yourself grace. Parenting is not easy and the demands on parents are more than they have ever been. Don’t go “big picture” thinking it all needs to be done at once. Give yourself small attainable goals that eventually lead to an entire project. Equally important to some days accept that you may never get out of your pajamas and be ok with that.”  – Kate M.

Kate’s been running and promoting the company since.“The essence of Wingmom is giving people the gift of support in any way that we can,” Kate says. “You can see all our services mirrored to that mission. We respect that sometimes you just need someone to come in without judgment and get you back to your baseline. It was what was done for me and what we aim to do for others.” 

“Two household laws: 

Once everything has a place in your home that makes sense, when you are done with it, don’t put it down, put it away.

Families with younger kids or absent-minded teenagers in their homes: use a bucket system. Throughout the week as clean up is happening throw items that belong to each person in labeled buckets. At the end of the week empty the buckets.” – Kate M.

Since then, Wingmom launched four more branches in the Catskills, North Delaware, Southeast PA, Phoenix, AZ, and Bucks County, which launched in 2023. 

What makes Wingmom a great community resource is that it makes life easier by making home organizing accessible. “Most people view home organizing as a luxury rather than seeing it as a necessity,” Kate says. “Living in a cohesive and organized space does wonders on your mental health and gives you time to do other things.”

“Focus on functionality for your own way of life. Organize in a manner that will help productivity and not because the silverware traditionally always goes in a certain place. It has to make sense for you.” – Kate M.

No job is too small for Wingmom, with a service minimum of only one hour. 

“I have a wingmom at my home twice a week for 1.5 hours each time she comes. She empties my dishwasher, starts laundry, and organizes whatever mess was left from my teenagers,” Kate says. “It may seem small but for our family, it makes a world of difference.”

Sometimes the only hero we need is someone to put away that pesky forever friend Laundry in the washing machine. 

Learn more about the services Wingmon provides and check employment opportunities at wingmominc.com 


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